Sunday, September 9, 2007

Buying Property in Turkey

Buying Property in Turkey


From January 2006, new Laws have issued regarding purchases by foreign investors. Only land and properties can be purchased within municipal boundaries. Companies are able to purchase anywhere within Turkey, but a maximum land area of 25,000m2 can be purchased at one time.

Our company always investigates the tapu (Title Deed) to ensure that the property can be sold and there are no debts applicable.

The actual purchase process is very simple and easy in Turkey.
The following procedure is used:

For more information about buying property in Turkey, please visit our website

1 comment:

Fethiye said...

Dalaman Flights are the cheapest way to travel to Fethiye, Turkey. Proeprty for sale include Fethiye Apartments are a great investment, but Dalaman Property is also worth considering.